Everyone Loves a Happy Ending…
Hello, Readers! I hope you all are doing well! I wanted to share a bit of good news that happened to me — I received a precious and touching letter from a reader.
I am just so grateful that she took the time to share her amazing story with me! I asked for her permission, and she responded that it would be “an honor” for me to anonymously share her story with all of you. (Grab some tissues; this is a good one!❤️)
“…I enjoyed reading this book, and what a blessing it was…! There were places that just made me cry.
I was born to an unwed mother, and almost aborted except for a grandmother whom I never met who intervened and said, "NO!" Despite a doctor who told the adoption agency that I was "unadoptable" because of my uncertain parentage, I was in a foster home for several months and then adopted by a wonderful Christian couple who were unable to have kids of their own. They encouraged my gifts, took me to church, introduced me to Jesus, and then sent me to a Christian college. They did everything they could to show an illegitimate child with no future that God could still use me, and I will be forever grateful. My parents discovered that I loved music, loved to read and write, and was artistic. I graduated with a BFA in art and music…”
Wow! What a story! Thank you, sweet lady, for sharing your heart with me! It moved me to tears! God is so good, and I am so happy to hear how your beautiful story unfolded. I appreciate you letting me share it to inspire and encourage others!
Everyone loves a happy ending ❤️